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Our Programs

Community Assistance

The Community Assistance program is one of the core programs at Purple60. This program involves Purple60 Staff attending local events and either volunteering at the event or adding something to the event. This additional thing will almost always be free to the public. 

LAUNCHED: October 1st, 2022

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Apple Awards

The Apple Awards are an annual awards program for businesses in Lincoln. The Apple Awards were held for the first time in 2023 with eight different awards for different businesses in Lincoln, Arkansas.

LAUNCHED: June 12th, 2023

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Made with Love

Made with Love enables Purple60 to produce products for the communities it serves; whether that be in mass to many or in one-off heartwarming gifts.

LAUNCHED: March 1st, 2020

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Lincoln Christmas Awards

The Christmas Awards is an annual awards program for individuals in Lincoln. This is where people decorate their homes with Christmas flair and are put head to head against each other to pick 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place houses.

LAUNCHED: September 29th, 2023

Halloween Awards

The Halloween Awards are an annual awards program for residents of Lincoln; aimed at getting people to decorate their homes in spooky decor and compete to determine who's house is spookiest!

LAUNCHED: September 9th, 2024

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Lincoln Welcome Cernter

The Lincoln Welcome Center is a rolling information center with shelves filled with flyers and business cards, a bulletin board with upcoming events, businesses, and other local flyers, and a specific spot for Let's Explore Lincoln. It is located in the Lincoln Public Library. 

LAUNCHED: February 24th, 2022

Free Popcorn Program

The Free Popcorn Program is intended to be used as a way to enhance events. Purple60 attends free events with our popcorn maker and give out free popcorn until the event is over or until we run out.

LAUNCHED: October 8th, 2023

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May Day Project

The May Day Project involves us giving out sweets to local law enforcement, first responders, firefighters, city workers and officials, and more. 

LAUNCHED: May 1st, 2024

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Printing Services

Printing Services is our way of offering our ability to print products to the community at low-cost or free prices. 

LAUNCHED: Expected Early 2025

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Parade Services

Purple60 Parade Services is our way of helping parades come to life in the communities we operate in. 

LAUNCHED: December 14th, 2024

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